• Identify and quantify potential liquidity risks
  • Enhance liquidity analytics and metrics
  • Develop “black swan” scenarios
  • Enhance contingency funding plan, including identification of new sources of contingent funding
  • Develop or enhance contingency funding plan and reporting
  • Quantify amount and timeliness of contingent funding sources
  • Satisfy latest regulatory expectations for liquidity management, monitoring, and reporting

  • Identify gaps relative to Regulatory Capital Standards (Basel, CCAR, ICAAP, etc.)
  • Enhance capital adequacy measurements & analytics, including stress scenarios
  • Assess internal capital adequacy using enhanced analytics
  • Identify opportunities to optimize capital and RWA
  • Satisfy other regulatory expectations for capital management, monitoring, and reporting

  • Review Governance, Policies, and Procedures
  • Assess Design & Staffing of Treasury Function
  • Review Treasury Processes & Controls for Front, Middle, and Back Offices
  • Review KPIs, KRIs, Limits, and Thresholds
  • Assess Collateral Sources, Availability, and Quality
  • Assess Capital and Liquidity Management Programs
  • Prepare for Upcoming Regulatory Changes

  • Review governance, policies, and procedures
  • Assess design and staffing of cash management function
  • Review cash management processes and controls
  • Review KPIs, KRIs, limits, and thresholds
  • Assess cash flow forecasting, including stress scenarios

Ready to Talk?

We work with you to understand your needs, so we can tailor our approach to your engagement. Learn more when you connect with our team.

Risk Assessments, Readiness, and Roadmaps

Risk Assessments, Readiness, and Roadmaps

We help you identify risk and implement mitigating controls

Financial, Risk, and Regulatory Reporting

Financial, Risk, and Regulatory Reporting

We help you meet reporting requirements for your regulators, management, board, and investors

Enterprise Risk Management

Enterprise Risk Management

Our former practitioners help you build, strengthen, and examine your CMS and ERM programs and frameworks

Model Validation, Tuning, and Testing

Model Validation, Tuning, and Testing

We ensure the accuracy, fairness, and transparency of your models to enable good decisions

Operational Excellence

Operational Excellence

We support your drive for operational excellence and help you manage non-financial risks

Stress Testing

Stress Testing

We review, develop, validate, and modify stress test frameworks and programs to ensure they capture the risk, provide appropriate feedback, and highlight areas for improvement

Data Governance

Data Governance

We improve your bottom line, as well as your regulatory compliance, with our formal, systematic approach to measuring and uplifting Data Governance